

配合着九王爷的来临, 我对自己发誓说一定要吃九天的素。长那么大,这回还是第一次那么认真。吃素没别的,只想体验没有肉类的日子到底是在怎么样?因为我常觉得吃素很痛苦,吃进肚里的菜全是淀粉类和菜类,可怕极了,不饿死也胖死吧!但又好像只是我的错觉,大多数我认识的素食者都是瘦比巴的,所以淀粉类是不是不比长肉剂来的可怕?我妈知道我要吃素,竟然没有鼓励我,反而质疑我说:你确定吗? 不容易哦,你能耐吗?哎哟,哪有母亲不鼓励自己的孩子吃素的,我猜想妈是太了解我了,基本上我是个肉食爱好者,可说无肉不欢,只吃肉不吃菜,是我的特点,直到近几年了解健康的重要,才因此改了一些些。




Waterfall survivors- Templer's Park (3R)

To protect and clean up waterfalls in Malaysia, the Waterfall Survivors had organized the Save Our Waterfalls campaign. The purpose of the campaign is to raise public awareness about the availability of waterfalls in Malaysia. Besides that, the campaign is also intended to promote tourism in Malaysia. Therefore, the waterfall tat need to save is Templer's Park, which located at Rawang Selangor.

7 o'clock morning,  we were gathered at Burger's King  which located at Mutiara Damansara. The organizer arranged the public transport for us.  But the bus is not punctual, about 8.30 am we jst departure.

Frm Kl to Templer's Park probably need to spend 45 mins. 

We were having breakfast (nasi lemak) in standing position,  prepared by the organizer.
*Super spicy Nasi Lemak.

The glove was distributed by the organizer before v were starting to clean up the surrounded of the waterfall.   Thus, our right hand will be protected. 

10a.m: We walked along the stairs to the waterfall, and collecting the litter beside the stairs.  Our Missions are to create awareness on preserving our nature for the next generation and to promote healthy lifestyle and protect our nature. 

About 11 am, we were completed the difficult task and we fully used of the remaining 30mins to take our group pictures and the beautiful scenery.

If u observe the rocks properly, u will notice tat the base of support is very small.

A  kid and his mum are playing sandcastle together beside the waterfall.
Rubbish that were collected by us and the other participators.

Ultimately, I really hope that the public will take awareness and keep our waterfall pristine and litter-free.  They have responsibility to preserve and clean up existing waterfall.  Waterfalls are the natural heritage for the next generation. This responsibility is not only u n me, but all of us. ^^

Yummy! Ais- cream really able to make us forget bout hot weather. 

Lunch time : Everyone is waiting there lunch.......Chicken rice.

Everyone is super exhausted, but still we are enjoy . ^6^
Memorable day
*Ps: Let us work together & protect our nature!

If u r interest to become one of the member of the Waterfall Survivors & get more info, 
Pls click on this link: 


史努比咖啡馆 Charlie Brown Cafe ( Straits Quay)

史努比咖啡馆Charlie Brown Cafe,位于槟岛的Straits Quay. 还没到这咖啡馆之前,我做了很多research, 大家都说这地方的不是,但我却对自己说一定要到亲自到那里才行,原因是snoopy 是我童年的偶像。所谓:偶像的咖啡馆不到怎么行,一定要支持!
人还未到史努比咖啡馆,便会看到走廊上的墙壁贴满了charlie 和他的朋友们(peanut gang). 他们面带微笑的欢迎你的到来。

Happy family!!
         Interior of the cafe~  史努比咖啡馆Charlie Brown Cafe的美观全都在于charlie 和他的朋友们,因为他们将会栩栩如生的出现在你的是周围,再配合咖啡馆里播放的音乐, 让你仿佛在史努比的漫画世界。(The whole cafe is decorated with the peanut gang : Charlie and his gang. This environment make all of us thought tat v r in the comic world.     

如果你对peanut gang 不熟悉,别担心,里边播放他们的卡通。
This is the place that u can take photo v snoopy.



拥有Charlie Brown图案的桌子,让你能与他一起用餐。
                如果要点食物,必须到counter那里直接点食物后付钱,然后会有服务员把你所点的食物端到你的桌子。说实在的菜单里的食物一般,价钱不怎么公道。一块蛋糕,三杯饮料:巧克力,lemon juice & apple juice. 一共花了RM40++ 。 平均一杯饮料的价格是RM9++。

Strawberry dream cake: cost RM 12.00.

Hot chocolate 
              其实,价格还是其次,最重要的是那里的服务员的态度还有待改进,原因是他们与顾客的说话态度欠佳,放餐具时很不友善。重点是我们还需付service tax 。=.='''

这张图片是所有图片中我最爱的一张。“ Sleeping is busy"